黄昏时分的贝博体彩app科伊特塔, 前面是灯火通明的街道,后面是贝博体彩app湾.



Since the Gold Rush, San Francisco has been a place where people go to make a name for themselves. But did you know that among our city's many boundary-breakers are a great many women? 了解这些来自贝博体彩app过去和现在的女性开拓者, then go out and 看看哪里可以体验 他们今天的遗产.

Maya Angelou

你认识那位诗人兼作家. 玛雅·安杰洛曾经是贝博体彩app人 有轨电车 她是第一批担任该职位的非裔美国女性之一? 当她的申请被拒绝时, 她每天都在他们的办公室里坐了两个星期,直到她被雇用.


著名的雕刻家, 露丝·阿泽最伟大的遗产, 除了她的艺术作品, 贝博体彩app艺术学院的创立. 她是现代艺术界少数族裔女性的先驱. 她的金属线作品在全国各大博物馆展出. 城里的德扬博物馆里也有很多. 



In 2018, 伦敦的品种, 一个土生土长的贝博体彩app人, 成为第一位当选为贝博体彩app市长的非裔美国女性. 布里德市长长期以来一直是滨海湾城市的社区和政府领导人, 首先是作为非裔美国人艺术的执行董事 & 文化 Center and later as a member and eventually president of the city's Board of Supervisors.


The three-time Tony Award winner and Oscar nominee grew up in San Francisco and remains one of the city's most beloved residents, 即使在她死后. The theater at San Francisco's Lowell High School, from which she graduated, is named after her.


不敬的, 富有洞察力的, 而且令人捧腹大笑, 玛格丽特·赵主演了她自己的ABC情景喜剧, 以及美国各地的头条喜剧俱乐部. 她的生活开始于贝博体彩app,成长于 任务的区 看着父亲在波尔克街开同性恋书店. 在七八十年代.


如果她的姓听起来很熟悉, 因为莉莉是贝博体彩app铁路的赞助人 屁股塔. 一个真正的开拓者, wearing masculine fashions such as trousers long before they were accepted women's wear, 她让自己置身于城市的喧嚣之中. 成为贝博体彩app消防队员的“守护神”, 她把协助和协助消防部门作为一生的承诺.


她是美国首位获得3个奖项的女厨师 米其林星星 with her restaurant Atelier Crenn, 多米尼克•Crenn has helped elevate the Bay Area's 吃饭的场景 献给世界上最优秀的医生之一. 她备受赞誉的酒吧, 酒吧Crenn, 也获得了米其林第一颗星, 让这家大厨的餐厅成为全城最火的餐厅之一. 在她的视野中毫不妥协, 有诗意的菜单和概念风味简介, she is now recognized for her steadfast dedication to who she is as both chef and business leader.

Vicki Manalo drive

In 1948, Vicki Manalo drive became the first woman to ever win two gold medals in a single Olympic Games. This San Francisco native was also the first Asian-American woman to win Olympic gold and the first American woman to win two gold medals for diving.


出生在贝博体彩app, 伊莎多拉·邓肯常被称为“现代舞蹈之母”。, 尽管她缺乏正规训练. 她的现代舞风格, 更多的是自由形式的即兴表演和艺术表达,而不是完美的旋转, gained this Bay Area native a worldwide fan base for her fresh take on joyful movement.

Dianne Feinstein

黛安·范斯坦是美国历史上任职时间最长的女性.S. 参议院. 她的政治生涯始于贝博体彩app, where she served as the city's first female mayor and was critical to the massive restoration of the city's 缆车 系统.

Dian Fossey

Famous naturalist and conservationist Dian Fossey is best remembered for her work in the jungles of Africa, 但她的故事是从贝博体彩app开始的. From her early days working alongside noted anthropologist Louis Leakey until her untimely death, 福西拓展了我们对大猩猩的了解, 它们复杂的社会生活, 以及人类入侵所带来的迫在眉睫的威胁.


美国第一位女副总统是湾区人! 在东湾出生长大后, 卡玛拉·哈里斯在贝博体彩app开始了她的法律生涯. 她崭露头角,很快就被选为地区检察官, serving the city for eight years before successfully running for California Attorney General. 她是第一个担任这两个职位的有色人种. 2016年,她竞选美国总统.S. 参议院 and became the first woman of color to represent the Golden State as one of its senators. 在她参加了2020年的初选之后, 卡玛拉哈里斯 was selected by former vice president Joe Biden to be his running mate. 其余的,正如他们所说,是历史!


出生在贝博体彩app, Bay Area rapper and hip hop artist MicahTron (pronounced Mee-kah-tron) paints a picture of America through both her words and catchy dance beats. 的固定装置 贝博体彩app骄傲节 庆祝活动, this openly queer artist has won a loyal following of fans for writing about her experiences as a woman of color, 在贫困中长大, 以及她的性取向. 任何背景的歌迷都能认同她在音乐中呈现的真理, and her deft skill at weaving these experiences within the groove of her hip-swaying beats.


她可能出生在奥克兰, 但雷纳尔·布鲁克斯·穆恩将永远与贝博体彩app联系在一起. 这是因为, 在贝博体彩app湾区电台工作了很长时间, 雷内尔已经为甲骨文公园发声近20年了. She is the second woman to ever hold the job of stadium public address announcer in Major League Baseball. (第一? 她在巨人队的前任,雪莉·戴维斯.)

Alyssa Nakken

Speaking of the Giants: did you know that the team also was the first to hire a woman to its coaching staff? 她本身就是一名出色的运动员, Alyssa Nakken is the first full-time female coach in Major League Baseball and the first to coach on the field during a game. She has been part of the Giants organization for years, starting as an intern in 2014.


A San Francisco native who became the first female licensed architect in California, 朱莉娅·摩根(茱莉亚•摩根)的遗产在金州各地的许多建筑中得以延续. 在她的职业生涯中,她曾为威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特等巨头工作. 以她的名字命名的舞厅, 是她设计的, 仍然是贝博体彩app最令人垂涎的场所之一.


南希·佩洛西代表加州第12国会选区, 包括贝博体彩app市的大部分地区. 直言不讳的政治家, Pelosi was a key representative who helped push through the Affordable Care Act and the 2010 Tax Relief Act, 在2009年经济衰退后帮助刺激美国经济的政策. 她也是第一位担任众议院议长的女性, 她曾两次当选的职位.

Shakirah Simley

Shakirah is a community organizer, educator, and writer whose work focuses on food equity. 对于Simley, ensuring equal access to quality food products can be the silver bullet for solving a community's woes, 从健康问题到经济困境再到环境状况.

Breanna Sinclaire

Breanna Sinclaire, 受过古典训练的歌剧演唱家, was the first transgender woman to sing the national anthem at a professional sporting event. She was born in Baltimore, but studied at and graduated from the San Francisco Conservatory of 音乐. 她曾在全国各地演出,包括卡内基音乐厅.

Alma de Bretteville Spreckels

阿尔玛·德·布雷特维尔·斯普雷克尔斯被称为“贝博体彩app的曾祖母”." Spreckels was a philanthropist who used her wealth and influence to amass one of the largest art collections in the country. 有趣的是,她是雕像的原型 联合广场杜威纪念碑.


畅销小说《贝博体彩app》的作者," author 谭恩美's San Francisco upbringing features heavily in the cultural exchanges, 设置, 以及她作品中的母女关系. 谭还写过其他畅销小说, 包括《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩》."


只要开车穿过海湾大桥, 加州大学伯克利分校 is where acclaimed chef 爱丽丝的水域 made her mark with her legendary restaurant Chez Panisse, 慢食和本地美食运动的殿堂. 现在,她的触角已经远远超出了厨房. Alice's vision brings healthy food to school children through the Chez Panisse 基金会, 教年轻人如何成长, 收获, 烹饪, 分享食物.


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 and has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油. 
