Mirada Surf Beach



Located just south of San Francisco, The Peninsula is home to beautiful beaches, rugged coastlines, and scenic parks. 这个为期三天的旅程将带您体验该地区最令人兴奋的经历, from charming coastal towns to world-class museums, and an incredible culinary scene.

Day 1
Explore Burlingame and San Mateo

从贝博体彩app湾沿岸的几个城市开始您在半岛的第一天. 它位于半岛的中心,贝博体彩app南部, Burlingame 是一个古色古香的小镇,拥有令人惊叹的海滨酒店和美丽的海滨步道吗. 在伯林盖姆市中心,你会发现当地的商店和零售店,令人惊叹的餐馆和咖啡馆. A must-visit store is Del’Oliva. 准备好尝试不同的橄榄油和醋,学习很多你以前不知道的东西.

几乎所有的当地酒店都坐落在贝博体彩app湾步道上,这条步道环绕湾区500英里. With walking and biking paths, bird and wildlife watching, 以及致力于恢复当地湿地的自然保护区, 所有游客都应该把海湾步道作为他们在伯灵盖姆逗留的一部分.

如果你喜欢海鲜,海湾公园就在步行距离之内 New England Lobster Market & Eatery. 这个美味的当地场地提供舒适的室外和室内用餐, spectacular food, and fresh seafood to-go. 不要在离开Burlingame之前不尝一杯(或一碗)他们的龙虾玉米浓汤!

When visiting the San Francisco Peninsula, 一定要挤出时间在科技中心呆上一天, the City of San Mateo! 圣马特奥是一个繁荣的社区,迷人的市中心充满了令人惊叹的餐馆和高档人士, state-of-the-art Hillsdale Shopping Center.

Be sure to also save time to visit the Japanese Garden located inside Central Park in downtown San Mateo. 在这里,你可以看到锦鲤在春季和夏季进食. Inside Central Park, 这里有专为儿童设计的迷你火车,通常在周末上午11点全年运行.m. to 3:00 p.m.,并于六月十五日至八月十五日平日上午十一时开放.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Japanese Garden San Mateo

Day 2
Visit Woodside and Stanford University

坐落在太平洋和贝博体彩app湾之间, Woodside is known for its beautiful preserves and biking routes. Start your morning at the historic Filoli estate. 计划至少花几个小时在花园里散步, touring the 54,256-square-foot historic home, walking the self-guided estate trail, dining at the Quail Café, 在钟楼商店购买花园风格的礼物. 

在菲洛里(Filoli)度过一个上午后,前往该地区几家标志性的餐厅之一. 爱丽丝餐厅是当地最受欢迎的地方,也是喜欢沿着风景秀丽的84号高速公路行驶的摩托车手的热门地点.

下午,前往斯坦福大学,在美丽的校园里漫步. For art lovers, the Cantor Arts Center is a great cultural experience. The collection spans 5,000 years and features more than 38,000 works of art from around the world, including rotating exhibitions. While you’re there, we recommend stopping by Stanford’s Arizona Cactus Garden, which is especially stunning during golden hour. For a unique dining experience, check out one of several Michelin-rated restaurants in the area.


Day 3
Highway 1 to Half Moon Bay and Coastside

沿着92号高速公路向西驶向太平洋,然后前往 Highway 1, also known as the Pacific Coast Highway. Arguably the most scenic drive in the United States, there are coastal bluffs, stunning beaches, 还有沿着海岸的新鲜海鲜餐厅. 沿着半岛的1号高速公路提供了海湾地区一些最好的海滩和隐藏的宝石.

您的第一站将是迷人的海滨城市半月湾, 在那里你可以在支柱港附近的餐馆品尝到当季的渔获. 商店在市中心的主街半月湾独特的服装,艺术,礼品和家居用品. 你也可以买到当地酿造的烈酒 woman-owned distilleries, Half Moon Bay Distillery and Jettywave Distillery.

After lunch, head to Half Moon Bay State Beach 探索游客中心,了解更多关于该地区的历史. Located right off of Highway 1, 这个地区由四个小海滩组成,形成一条两英里长的曲线, white sand and relaxing coves. The waves here make for a great surfing spot!

参观半月湾后,向北前往城市 Pacifica. 一定要节省时间去探索魔鬼的滑梯步道,这是该地区最令人惊叹的观景点之一. For dinner, visit Nick’s Seafood Restaurant for a fresh meal, live music, and dancing on Fridays and Saturdays.

或者,如果你愿意,你可以去佩斯卡德罗州立海滩,看看标志性的 Pigeon Point Lighthouse这是一座美丽的灯塔,自1872年以来一直在运营. Spend a night under the stars at Costanoa Lodge+Camp+Resort 享受一个独特的豪华野营体验,几个户外活动在你的指尖.

Pigeon Point